Now that things are settling down with Oasis of the Seas and, we now know the inaugural date and people are beginning to make their respective plans for this amazing ship, I'd like to turn your attention even further into the future. Let's talk about the holidays - meaning Christmas and New Years in 2010 - and why now is the time to sign up for our opt-in list to be kept informed about the group cruise being planned on Cruise Freek Forums.
Let's face facts, the holidays aren't like they were 20 or 30 years ago. The family unit has changed drastically - divorces and separations, relocation away from family for work purposes, demanding jobs forcing nearly everyone to work 5o to 60 hour weeks. Times have changed and, therefore, the way we spend holidays have changed. On top of all the stress of every day living, it boggles my mind to even think to attempt trying to plan a fun holiday at home for the family. And, that's why I want to make you aware of why cruising is becoming more and more popular during the holidays. So popular that Christmas and New Year's have become two of the most popular weeks of the year to cruise!
Advantages of cruising during the holidays:
1) The entire family can meet in one place, have plenty of time together, have room for everyone to sleep in a bed, no one has to worry about cooking, cleaning or entertaining.
2) Just about all schools are closed for the time between Christmas and New Years, so, little to no time lost in school for vacation purposes.
3) A refreshing change of scenery. For most of the USA and Canada, December and early January are just the start of snow season, there will be plenty of time to enjoy the white stuff afterward. Besides, do you think you and your family would enjoy one last blast of summery, tropical weather before facing the long, hard winter ahead.
4) Someone else is worried about the shopping, prep work, cooking and serving of menus. It's no longer your problem who eats this, who can't have that - the ships offer a wide variety of food - day and night - every minute you are on the ship! Think about what you can do with all that free time!
5) You aren't going to miss the festivities of the holidays. The ships are decorated from bow to stern. Christmas trees, garland, and all the trimmings make the ships look exceptional. And, if you celebrate Hanukkah, not to worry, it's celebrated on board too!
6) Religious services are conducted right on board the ship. Each year the cruise lines offer special holiday services aboard the ship including Roman Catholic mass, Non-denominational services and, a rabbi is aboard for Hanukkah.
7) After factoring the cost of presents, decorating, food, entertaining and things that simply don't carry a price tag - like your own personal sanity, cruising offers a fairly comparable cost. Yes, cruise ARE higher during Christmas and New Year's week but, isn't everything mentioned above worth something to you? Or do you enjoy running yourself ragged and ending up with a cold or flu every Christmas because of the stress you're under?
8) Nope, the kids aren't forgot. Santa Clause amazingly has time to find all the cruise ships and makes special efforts to appear in person for the children on board. Often with small token gifts for each of them. Clever parents can make the effort to bring presents to surprise their children Christmas morning.
Why start planning for 2010 in 2008 - it's two years away!
1) If this is something of interest to you, it's as simple as placing your email address on our opt-in list. You'll receive updates regarding this sailing and that will include everything from travel agent assignment to pricing and itinerary when it becomes available in April, 2009 to receiving invitations to exclusive events. So no need to wait, it takes less than 30 seconds to place your email on our opt-in list. Do it now!
2) By beginning to plan NOW, you have two years to speak to family members and get everyone organized. It also gives you roughly nine months to before you even need to place a deposit which for the sailing I am promoting will be $450 per person - so family of four would place a deposit of $1800. That's just $200 per month you need to set aside. And, that full $1800 deposit is put towards your total cost of your cruise! And then you'll have another entire year or longer to pay off the balance!
3) It gives you time to discuss the plans with the extended family and invite them to join you. Chances are they're going to have to fly to you or you to them anyhow, so, why not put that airline, if you even need it, to good use and put that money towards a family reunion cruise during the holidays! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to see Uncle Fred but, not responsible for entertaining him 24/7?
4) By booking with Cruise Freek Forums, you're going to receive special perks that you simply won't receive booking on your own. By booking with Cruise Freek Forums, you'll have group amenities without the group! In other words, you are never forced or pressured to join any of the activities planned. They will certainly be offered but, you will never be forced or pressured to join - never. Cruise Freek Forums policy is that it's your time, it's your vacation! And, Cruise Freek Forums must be doing something right with over 360 emails on the Oasis of the Seas opt-in list that says a lot about our group programs!
5) One of the perks of booking with Cruise Freek Forums is the amazing pre-cruise packages put together. Many other group leave you on your own to get to the port of embarkation and to the ship. Cruise Freek Forums is a little different. Cruise Freek Forums will be offering both one and two nights pre-cruise stays in Manhattan prior to the Holiday sailing in 2010 from Bayonne, NJ on Royal Caribbean. Right now, on the Cruise Freek Message board - which by the way is free and open to everyone - we're discussing our pre-cruise activities. We're tentatively going to go Radio City for the Christmas Spectacular or perhaps to a Broadway show or both! We're also going to have dinner in a New York City restaurant prior to the show or shows, and, we'll be taking a bus tour of the city. The package will include transfers to Bayonne, NJ to begin the holiday cruise. Come on over and join the discussion:
We have photos of the ship and NYC during holidays and lots of chatting back and forth about what we'd like to see and do. Come on and join us!
So does Cruise Freek Forums have our act together or what? The first steps are easy:
1) Place your email on our opt-in list:
2) If you wish, join Cruise Freeks and give us your ideas and opinions on things to do for the holiday cruise from Bayonne in 2010:
3) Book and deposit your cruise in April, 2009
4) Come cruising with us in December, 2010
5) Have the memories for the rest of your life!
Join us today!