Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Christmas 2010 Opt-in List

I've received a few emails accusing me of collecting emails for spam purposes and, this is just not true. If you would bother to take the time, you would see that Cruise Freek Forums is very real. You would also see that our opt-in lists always allow you to unsubscribe. Therefore, if YOU are the person putting in your email address, there is no way or justification of accusing me of trying to spam. I am deeply resentful AND, believe me, I know your loyalties are to another board.

I apologize for this rant but, it angers me to think people are that jealous and mean. Our board owner on Cruise Freek Forums came up with a unique marketing idea and now the other boards are annoyed they didn't think of it first. Well, too bad! We're here to stay so deal with us!

That being said, you are invited to join our opt-in list, which you will see you can unsubscribe from at anytime:

And visit our dedicated website for this sailing which is under construction:

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